On the 17th October after a long time I was able to attend to the annual training/air show of the Swiss Air Force held at the Axalp shooting range.

A small selection of picture taken by me follows, with a more complete album visible here - OneDrive album or here - Flickr album.

Click for full-res image: F/A-18C Hornet - flare release F/A-18C Hornet Pilatus PC-21 Pilatus PC-21 Landed SAR Helo Photo Helo F/A-18C Hornet F/A-18C Hornet It’s a big plus Porter Pilatus and Hornet F/A-18C Hornet Pilatus PC-21 Pilatus PC-21 Pilatus PC-21 Panzerschreck demo Panzerschreck demo Panzerschreck demo Panzerschreck demo Panzerschreck demo Patrouille Suisse